February 24, 2025

NYISO Installed Capacity/Market Issues Working Group (ICAP-MIWG)

Potomac Economics
NYISO Q2 Energy Prices Rise on Higher Gas Prices, Load
The NYISO Market Monitor reported energy markets performed competitively in the second quarter of 2021, with all-in prices ranging from $21 to $67/MWh.
Analysis Group
NYISO Unveils Draft BSM Study
NYISO unveiled a draft study plan to model possible capacity market outcomes resulting from revisions to the ISO's buyer-side mitigation rules.
NYISO Proposes Changes to CRIS
NYISO proposed changes to three concepts of capacity resource interconnection service.
NRDC Urges EE Participation in NYISO ICAP Markets
NRDC delivered a presentation on energy efficiency participation in NYISO's ICAP markets, urging it be mentioned in a July 19 FERC Order 2222 compliance filing.
NYISO Discusses FERC Order 2222 Compliance
NYISO discussed its plans to comply with FERC Order 2222 with stakeholders ahead of a July 19 compliance filing deadline.
NYISO Soliciting Stakeholder Input on Changes to BSM
NYISO unveiled a plan and timeline for reforming its buyer-side mitigation rules by September 2021.
NYISO Outlines Goals for Capacity Market
NYISO is preparing to revise its capacity market rules so they do not slow the deployment of state-subsidized renewable resources.
NYISO Market Monitor Reviews Class Year 2019 BSM
The NYISO Market Monitoring Unit discussed its report on the Class Year 2019 buyer-side mitigation evaluations.
NYISO Proposes ‘Grid in Transition’ Metrics
NYISO proposed a three-tier approach for working on projects in its Grid in Transition initiative and how to measure their effects.
NYISO Monitor Highlights Out-of-market Dispatch
The NYISO markets performed competitively in the third quarter, but the use of OOM actions to meet reliability was a concern, the MMU said.

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