NYISO Installed Capacity/Market Issues Working Group (ICAP-MIWG)
The NYISO Market Monitor reported energy markets performed competitively in the second quarter of 2021, with all-in prices ranging from $21 to $67/MWh.
NYISO unveiled a draft study plan to model possible capacity market outcomes resulting from revisions to the ISO's buyer-side mitigation rules.
NYISO proposed changes to three concepts of capacity resource interconnection service.
NRDC delivered a presentation on energy efficiency participation in NYISO's ICAP markets, urging it be mentioned in a July 19 FERC Order 2222 compliance filing.
NYISO discussed its plans to comply with FERC Order 2222 with stakeholders ahead of a July 19 compliance filing deadline.
NYISO unveiled a plan and timeline for reforming its buyer-side mitigation rules by September 2021.
NYISO is preparing to revise its capacity market rules so they do not slow the deployment of state-subsidized renewable resources.
The NYISO Market Monitoring Unit discussed its report on the Class Year 2019 buyer-side mitigation evaluations.
NYISO proposed a three-tier approach for working on projects in its Grid in Transition initiative and how to measure their effects.
The NYISO markets performed competitively in the third quarter, but the use of OOM actions to meet reliability was a concern, the MMU said.
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