NYISO Operating Committee
The NYISO Operating Committee approved the final Locational Capacity Requirements for the 2025/26 capability year.
NYISO's transmission planning requirements result in a need for more capacity than is required in the ISO’s market rules, according to Potomac Economics, the Market Monitoring Unit.
The NYISO Operating Committee approved revisions to the 2024-01 Expedited Delivery Study, finding that all nine proposed projects are deliverable at their requested capacity resource interconnection service levels.
The NYISO Operating Committee approved two study reports and one study scope, all of which involve load projects in northern New York.
NYISO announced that New York's behind-the-meter solar capacity has exceeded 5,000 MW, a significant step towards the state's 2030 goal of 10,000 MW in distributed solar energy.
NYISO will see improved transmission deliverability within its borders and with PJM this winter but reduced interchange with ISO-NE, stakeholders were told.
The NYISO Operating Committee reviewed June's operations and approved manuals to support distributed energy resources market implementation.
The OC cleared a final administrative hurdle for a Long Island public policy transmission needs project and learned details about May's operations.
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