NYISO Transmission Planning Advisory Subcommittee

NYISO to Request May 2 Effective Date for FERC Order 2023 Compliance
NYISO informed the Transmission Planning Advisory Subcommittee and Electric System Planning Working Group it intends to seek a May 2 effective date for Order 2023.
NYISO Stakeholders Discuss Enhanced Regulations for Information Sharing
NYISO could tighten its security and information protection requirements, according to a presentation given to stakeholders at the TPAS/ESPWG meeting.
NYISO to Ask FERC for Order 2023 Compliance Extension
NYISO said it plans to file a motion with FERC for an extension on the compliance deadline for Order 2023, according to a presentation given to stakeholders.
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NYISO ‘Still Digesting’ FERC Order 2023
NYISO gave initial comments and reactions to FERC Order 2023, but remained reluctant to divulge too much during its TPAS meeting.
NYISO Stakeholders Still Questioning Interconnection Queue Proposal
NYISO took another stab at clarifying the proposed class year queue window concept that will replace its current interconnection queue processes.
NYISO’s Latest Queue Overhaul Draft Confuses Stakeholders
NYISO left TPA Subcommittee members bewildered when it presented a revised proposal for overhauling its interconnection study process.
NYISO Recommends NYPA-Transco Proposal for Long Island Tx Need
NYISO staff selected a proposal by Propel NY Energy to meet the ISO’s Long Island Public Policy Transmission Needs solicitation for transmission lines.
NYISO Shares Details of Potential Long Island Tx Projects
NYISO stakeholders learned how the ISO assessed the seven transmission projects chosen from the Public Policy Transmission Need solicitation for Long Island.
NYISO Proposes 48 Market Projects for 2024
NYISO presented the Budget and Priorities Working Group with 48 market projects that it is proposing to be included in its 2024 budget.
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NYISO Stakeholders Debate Proposed Interconnection Queue Overhaul
NYISO stakeholders discussed the merits and pitfalls of the ISO’s proposed phased window approach to fundamentally rework its interconnection study processes.

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