offer cap
MISO is hoping to avoid the need for a 6th straight waiver of its $1,000/MWh offer cap this winter, filing a year ahead of a FERC deadline.
Fernandez told the PJM MIC that his staff are still completing calculations for retroactively reallocating costs for certain transmission projects.
PJM and the Monitor presented members with separate proposals to revise the long-term financial transmission rights market.
PJM’s Market Implementation Committee approved manual revisions reducing the number of virtual bidding locations by almost 90%.
PJM members at last week’s MRC meeting endorsed revisions to an initiative examining the calculation of the balancing ratio used in setting capacity offer caps.
FERC approved MISO’s plan to permanently double its hard offer cap but told the RTO to clarify some details about the proposal in a compliance filing.
FERC allowed NYISO to temporarily waive energy offer caps in response to recent natural gas price spikes stemming from this winter’s extreme cold snap.
FERC has allowed MISO to waive its $1,000/MWh offer cap for the fourth straight winter in response to the extremely cold weather.
MISO’s 2018 to-do list includes continuing efforts to expand energy storage participation and extensive software upgrades.
MISO will seek a series of waivers in order to implement wintertime energy offer caps after FERC rejected the grid operator’s proposed cap design.
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