February 23, 2025


MISO Resource Adequacy Subcomm. Briefs: July 10, 2019
MISO’s Independent Market Monitor intends to reduce its monitoring of physical withholding by small behind-the-meter generators in the footprint.
Emergencies Prompt MISO to Re-examine LMR Protocols
MISO executives said they continue to seek ways to improve the RTO’s response to an increasing number of emergency events.
Supply Future Brighter, OMS-MISO Survey Shows
A key annual capacity report issued by MISO and the Organization of MISO States (OMS) predicts the RTO is unlikely to soon face a shortfall in generation.
MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee Briefs: July 11, 2018
At last week's MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee meeting, staff reviewed how capacity import limits can bind in the RTO's annual capacity auction.
MISO Players Probe Causes of Increasing Emergencies
Officials at MISO Board Week meetings pondered why the RTO is likely to face an increasing frequency of emergency conditions in the near future.
OMS-MISO Survey Reveals Dimmer View of Future Supply
MISO’s supply picture for the next five years is less rosy than it was a year ago, according to the RTO's annual survey with the Organization of MISO States (OMS).
MISO RASC Briefs: Little Change to Capacity Forecasts
MISO’s next capacity auction will likely rely on megawatt values and limits similar to those underpinning last year’s auction.
MISO Still Tweaking OMS Survey Assumptions
MISO is proposing to once again revise the equation behind its yearly resource adequacy survey issued in partnership with the Organization of MISO States.
Planners: MISO Near-Term RA Sufficient
MISO planning staff told stakeholders that near-term resource adequacy was not a concern as sufficient generation could handle upcoming changes in the RTO.
UPDATE: Capacity Survey Shows MISO in the Black
The 2017 Organization of MISO States (OMS) - MISO resource adequacy survey suggests the RTO will have sufficient capacity to meet near-term planning requirements.

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