February 23, 2025

operating reserve demand curve (ORDC)

FERC Approves PJM Reserve Market Overhaul
FERC approved PJM’s proposed energy price formation revisions, agreeing with the RTO that its reserve market was not functioning as intended.
Stakeholder Soapbox – ERCOT ’19: Proof of Successful Design?
Rob Gramlich of Grid Strategies examines how ERCOT's market performed this summer, finding it provided price signals to attract and retain resources.
MISO Files Offer Cap Revisions Ahead of Schedule
MISO is hoping to avoid the need for a 6th straight waiver of its $1,000/MWh offer cap this winter, filing a year ahead of a FERC deadline.
ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: June 11, 2019
A tag team of ERCOT executives reviewed the grid operator’s summer preparations at the Board of Directors’ last meeting before the season begins.
Gens Back PJM Pricing Proposal; Md., IMM Oppose
PJM's price formation proposal won backing from generators, but Maryland regulators and the Market Monitor asked FERC to reject it.
Stakeholder Soapbox: PJM Slowing Change to Clean Grid
Jennifer Chen of Duke University's Nicholas Institute, argues that PJM's proposed revisions would increase carbon emissions and costs to consumers.
Monitor: PJM Simulation Underestimates ORDC Impact
PJM’s Market Monitor said the RTO’s updated simulation results for energy price formation underestimate the impact of its operating reserve demand curve.
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PJM MIC Briefs: April 10, 2019
PJM proposed an alternative stakeholder process to implement market rule changes recommended in a special report on the RTO’s role in the GreenHat default.
PJM Files Energy Price Formation Plan
PJM filed its energy price formation proposal with FERC after a yearlong discussion with stakeholders produced no consensus.
Rushing Price Formation Filing Unwise, AMP Tells PJM
American Municipal Power said that PJM’s rush to file its energy price formation proposal with FERC leaves the door open for design flaws.

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