October 6, 2024

Organization of MISO States (OMS)

OMS Urges FERC to Pass Tax Cut Benefit to Ratepayers
The Organization of MISO States called on FERC to order the nation’s utilities to cut rates in response to a recent reduction in federal corporate tax rates.
© RTO Insider
MISO Releases Transmission Cost Estimates Guide
MISO has released a draft guide detailing how it estimates costs for cost-allocated transmission projects in response to OMS and other stakeholders.
MISO Still Tweaking OMS Survey Assumptions
MISO is proposing to once again revise the equation behind its yearly resource adequacy survey issued in partnership with the Organization of MISO States.
Lively OMS Discussion Probes Common Grid Beliefs
State regulators proved reluctant to be pinned down on predictions about the future of the grid at the annual meeting of the Organization of MISO States.
OMS Still Seeking Unity on MISO Tx Cost Allocation
The Organization of MISO States failed to reach consensus on MISO’s cost allocation plans for smaller transmission projects that produce broader benefits.
OMS Discusses Next Steps in DER Policy
The Organization of MISO States (OMS) has formed a temporary work group to formulate ideas on incorporating DER into the grid.
Stakeholders Hash out Future of DER at OMS Workshop
MISO regulators gathered to discuss how the electricity sector will accommodate the growth of distributed energy resources within the RTO’s footprint.
States, Enviros Differ on Jurisdiction over Energy Efficiency
Environmentalists last week urged FERC to decide whether states can control participation of energy efficiency resources in RTOs.
OMS Issues EE Market Participation Opinion
The OMS voted to lodge a protest in an ongoing dispute over whether states can prohibit energy efficiency resources from entering RTO markets.
Planners: MISO Near-Term RA Sufficient
MISO planning staff told stakeholders that near-term resource adequacy was not a concern as sufficient generation could handle upcoming changes in the RTO.

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