October 6, 2024

Organization of MISO States (OMS)

Former Wisconsin PSC Engineer Marcus Hawkins Joins OMS Staff
Marcus Hawkins, formerly a senior engineer in the Division of Regional Energy Markets at the Wisconsin PSC, has joined the Organization of MISO States as its director of member services and advocacy.
MISO, IMM Reach Compromise on Capacity Auction Design
MISO and its Independent Market Monitor have reconciled their differences and reached a compromise on the RTO's capacity market design.
Organization of MISO States Briefs
The Organization of MISO States is reviewing and revising its rules for approving position statements submitted to MISO and FERC.
OMS-MISO Survey: Generation Shortfall Possible
The MISO-OMS 2016 Survey found that plant retirements could cause a generation shortfall as early as 2018 in MISO, 2 years earlier than previously expected.
Lead or Follow?
At an Advisory Committee “hot topic” discussion, some stakeholders cautioned MISO against taking CPP policy positions, while others said the RTO should help guide the states to the most economical compliance options.
MISO Survey: No Shortfall Until 2020
MISO no longer faces a capacity shortfall next year, the RTO announced today in releasing the results of its newest survey with the Organization of MISO States.
MISO to Consumer Sector: No Money for You – UPDATED
MISO has declined a request by the Public Consumer Advocates sector for $200,000 to help cover its legal costs in a fight over MISO transmission owners’ return on equity.
FERC OKs MISO, TO Rules on Formula Rate Challenges
FERC last week approved new rules governing how transmission customers can challenge formula rate filings by MISO transmission owners.
ROE Talks Between MISO Industrials and TOs Collapse
The transmission rate dispute between MISO industrial customers and transmission owners appears headed for a FERC hearing.
MISO Ponders Larger DR Role Despite Legal Uncertainty
The MISO Advisory Committee sought stakeholder input on making the most of demand response, and whether the RTO should take any action on FERC Order 745.

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