Organization of MISO States (OMS)
Stakeholders voted overwhelmingly to end debate about whether costs for MISO’s transmission use settlement with SPP should be allocated by capacity benefit.
OMS members will vote via email on whether to file comments in the Independent Market Monitor’s complaint over the PJM pseudo-tie proposal.
MISO and OMS began distributing their annual joint resource adequacy survey with a new calculation method some stakeholders believe is overly conservative.
MISO will roll some capacity sitting in the definitive planning phase of its interconnection queue into the annual OMS-MISO resource adequacy survey.
At the NARUC winter meeting, OMS members sharply questioned MISO officials over its refusal to share with them raw transmission project cost data.
The Organization of MISO States was unable to achieve consensus on how MISO should revise its cost allocation procedures.
At last week's NARUC Annual Meeting, regulators and grid operators agreed that state commissions must engage when key decisions are being made by RTOs.
FERC Chairman Norman Bay headlined the Organization of MISO States (OMS) annual meeting, where panelists discussed the grid of the future, the growing role of natural gas and the continuing uncertainty over state and federal regulators’ jurisdictions.
Marcus Hawkins, formerly a senior engineer in the Division of Regional Energy Markets at the Wisconsin PSC, has joined the Organization of MISO States as its director of member services and advocacy.
MISO and its Independent Market Monitor have reconciled their differences and reached a compromise on the RTO's capacity market design.
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