February 23, 2025


FERC IDs Deficiencies in Western RA Program
FERC asked for more information on the Western Resource Adequacy Program, including how it would accommodate participants without market-based rate authority.
Klamath River Renewal Corporation
Klamath Dams Set for Removal After FERC OKs Delicensing
FERC approved the Lower Klamath Project's license surrender, setting the stage for the largest dam removal and salmon restoration effort in U.S. history.
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CAISO Symposium Talks Western Transmission
CAISO held its Stakeholder Symposium for the first time since 2018 and weighed the transmission needs of the West to deliver renewable resources.
WEIM Q3 Benefits Top $500M, Near $3B Total
CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market reached a record $526 million in benefits in Q3 and neared $3 billion in cumulative benefits since it started in 2014.
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Could the US See a ‘Nuclear Renaissance’?
Pro-nuclear panelists at NARUC's Summer Policy Summit said small, advanced reactors are needed to offset the increase in weather-dependent renewables.
Travel Southern Oregon
PacifiCorp Wins Preliminary Permits for Oregon Pumped Storage
FERC issued PacifiCorp permits to study the feasibility of developing pumped hydro storage projects in Southern Ore., located near a major intertie with Calif.
Western EIM Tops $2B in Benefits
CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market surpassed $2 billion in total member benefits only 20 months after hitting the $1 billion mark in 2020.
Sellers Urge FERC to Raise WECC Soft Price Cap
FERC ordered six more entities to refund the premiums they earned from sales into CAISO during the severe heat wave of August 2020.
FERC Tells PacifiCorp to Refund Premiums
FERC ordered PacifiCorp to refund premiums it received for sales above WECC's soft price cap of $1,000/MWh during the severe Western heat wave of August 2020.
FERC Opens Probes on Western Transmission Rate Protocols
FERC challenged the transmission formula rate protocols of five Western utilities, saying they lack sufficient transparency and customer protections.

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