February 23, 2025

peak demand

Northern Light Health
Maine Prepares Statewide Storage Pilot for Critical Services
A new pilot in Maine to install up to 15 MW of energy storage at critical care facilities will focus on sophisticated energy consumers, such as large hospitals.
CAISO Could See More Outages this Summer
California could experience capacity shortfalls this summer during severe heat because of limited imports and low hydroelectric production, CAISO said.
MISO: Electrification Leads to Winter Peaks, Soaring Load Growth
Within two decades, increasing load from electrification will have MISO operating on a winter peaking model, RTO staff said.
Weatherization, Backup Heating Called Key to Managing Winter Peaks
A shift to electric heating will raise winter power demands, but utilities could mitigate spikes by improving buildings' "thermal envelopes," ACEEE said.
CAISO Speeds Rule Changes to Avoid Shortfalls
CAISO issued a draft final proposal for its summer readiness market enhancements initiative just three weeks after presenting a straw proposal.
MISO Reports Unremarkable December Ops
Peak demand was lower in December than in years past, MISO executives said during an informational forum.
Study Outlines Challenges of Decarbonizing New England
A new study outlines the challenges of decarbonization in New England, including the amount of renewables required and carbon capture.
ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: Oct. 13, 2020
ERCOT staff promised to reduce price corrections before asking the Board of Directors to approve a pair of them for two unrelated events.
COVID-19 Will Cut Electricity Demand in Calif., CEC Says
The COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying recession will significantly reduce electricity demand in California through 2023.
ERCOT Briefs: Week of July 6, 2020
June’s peak demand in ERCOT’s footprint came within 116 MW of last June’s peak, a sign that consumer demand and summer heat are nearing normal levels.

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