PJM Interconnection LLC (PJM)
PJM stakeholders voted for a third consecutive meeting to delay acting on revisions to Manual 14H intended to clarify when developers may add or remove parcels from their project footprint.
A new Advanced Energy United/Grid Strategies report estimates that better PJM interconnection processes could save consumers billions of dollars.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed a proposal to rework how demand response resources are modeled in the effective load carrying capability framework.
FERC voted unanimously to launch a review of data center co-location issues in PJM that will look into whether the RTO’s tariff needs to be revised to ensure grid reliability and fair costs to customers.
FERC approved PJM's annual update to its tariff’s cost responsibility assignments for transmission projects set to be completed in 2025.
FERC approved a suite of changes to PJM's next couple of capacity auctions, which are meant to mitigate billing impacts as the supply-demand dynamic in the region tightens and longer-term reforms are pursued.
Spiking capacity prices in PJM have PPL and Exelon pushing for a potential return to utility-owned generation in Pennsylvania, which three former PUC chairs warned would be harmful to consumers.
Among other items, the Markets and Reliability Committee will consider whether to establish new wildfire procedures for the RTO and transmission owners to follow ahead of and during fire conditions which could impact transmission.
FERC approved a one-time measure by PJM to add up to 50 new projects to a cluster of projects to be studied beginning in April.
PJM’s Market Implementation Committee narrowly endorsed a PJM proposal to use ELCC to model the availability of demand response resources in all hours, along with other changes to how DR accreditation is determined.
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