planning futures
MISO is wrapping up its 2020 Transmission Expansion Plan and eyeing next year’s planning cycle, with more renewable energy predictions.
SPP stakeholders once again took a crack to resolve a weighty issue in determining how futures will be considered in the RTO’s 2021 transmission plan study.
MISO said it foresees hundreds of gigawatts in mostly carbon-free resource additions by 2040, according to its new transmission planning future scenarios.
MISO presented stakeholders a long-awaited set of planning futures it insists are final despite calls for an additional scenario that models a downturn stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.
MISO will allow stakeholders an additional month to file their opinions on the RTO’s draft 2021 transmission planning futures scenarios.
MISO released draft future scenarios that would reflect the increasingly dominant role clean energy resources will play in its planning process.
SPP stakeholders delayed a decision over the weighting of futures and the use of economic must-run modeling in the 2021 transmission planning assessment.
MISO spent much of 2019 preparing for a massive shift to renewable resources — and 2020 will herald much the same, RTO executives say.
MISO stakeholders debated whether the RTO is being too conservative in anticipating industry shifts in its new futures scenarios for transmission planning.
The SPP Board of Directors approved a 9.1% increase in the RTO's administrative fee and the ITP 10-year assessment, while honoring retiring directors.
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