planning futures
MISO released a proposal that would replace its 15-year futures scenarios with predictions that assume more renewable generation and carbon-cutting.
Clean energy advocates are asking MISO to make changes to its transmission planning to ensure the region can continue a shift toward renewable resources.
A growing number of stakeholders are prodding MISO to create a task team to improve transmission planning assumptions.
MISO staff are done assembling the RTO’s 2019 Transmission Expansion Plan, presenting a nearly $4 billion draft package to the Board of Directors.
MISO terminated work on a set of futures scenarios for MTEP 20, opting to take the year to resolve its lagging renewable growth and retirement projections.
MISO is toying with the idea of foreshortening its MTEP 20 process in order to maximize time spent on the 2021 cycle of transmission projects.
After prodding by stakeholders, MISO says it will boost renewable generation estimates in each of the four 15-year future scenarios that guide its annual transmission planning process.
MISO will rely on the same set of futures for the third straight year when it evaluates transmission projects in its 2020 Transmission Expansion Plan.
MISO will this year draw on three sets of contributors to create its load forecast for 2020 transmission planning.
MISO stakeholders said impact to customers and solid business cases should factor prominently in any new regional transmission package.
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