planning reserve margin (PRM)
FERC has approved SPP tariff revisions of resource adequacy requirements that would provide LREs with an alternative approach to deficiency payments.
FERC has rejected SPP tariff revisions that would help transmission owners continue to self-fund network upgrades to interconnect generators.
SPP staff and stakeholders spent much of last week’s virtual Markets and Operations Policy Committee meeting discussing resource adequacy.
MISO will fire up its capacity auction machinery beginning April 18 after it was forced to delay the auction last month on a FERC order.
SPP’s Board and Members Committee have approved two resource adequacy revision requests, ending a last-minute dash to gain stakeholder approval.
SPP’s MOPC approved two revision requests related to resource adequacy requirements that members had set aside during its meeting earlier this month.
SPP and MISO plan to apply for grants from the Department of Energy to help fund five transmission projects recently identified in their JTIQ work.
SPP continues to make a misnomer out of the "Southwest" portion of its name, expanding its beachhead in the Western Interconnection along several fronts.
SPP staff are finalizing a mitigation strategy for load-responsible entities unable to meet the grid operator’s new 15% planning reserve margin.
SPP’s board gave its state regulators the go-ahead to file a tariff change allowing LREs to receive exemptions for not meeting their PRM obligation.
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