planning reserve margin (PRM)
MISO’s Monitor said the RTO would be better served by an even higher planning reserve margin, two days after it recorded its first emergency of the summer.
MISO will evaluate the merits of defining new seasonal reliability criteria and implementing a sub-annual capacity construct, stakeholders learned.
Early data for MISO’s spring capacity auction shows a 1-GW uptick in the capacity supply needs but essentially no change in year-over-year peak forecasts.
MISO estimates it will need an 8.9% unforced capacity planning reserve margin for the 2020/21 planning year, a full percentage point above the current level.
MISO’s Independent Market Monitor has a different opinion of the RTO’s summer supply picture three weeks into the season.
MISO leadership has not yet decided on how it can improve resource availability, though it is evaluating several possible remedies, the RTO said.
FERC approved Tariff revisions that will finally allow the Southwest Power Pool to implement a resource adequacy requirement.
Officials at MISO Board Week meetings pondered why the RTO is likely to face an increasing frequency of emergency conditions in the near future.
ERCOT will have more breathing room as it prepares for record demand this summer after an additional 525MW of generation recently came online in Texas.
MISO detailed its spring readiness and said there’s a small possibility of emergency conditions.
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