planning reserve margin (PRM)
Preliminary estimates show that MISO’s capacity requirements and available supply for the 2018/19 capacity auction will be in line with last year’s figures.
MISO’s next capacity auction will likely rely on megawatt values and limits similar to those underpinning last year’s auction.
The ERCOT year-end Capacity, Demand and Reserves (CDR) report projects a 9.3% planning reserve margin for 2018.
MISO officials are examining how they can capture the risk of planned and maintenance outages occurring during peak load.
MISO predicts the 2018/19 planning year will require a reserve margin just more than 17%, a figure that’s been steadily increasing over the years.
After criticizing Ameren Illinois for miscalculating its summer peak load forecast, Dynegy called on MISO to develop a new process for verifying forecasts.
FERC rejected SPP’s proposed Tariff revisions requiring load-responsible entities (LREs) to maintain sufficient capacity and planning reserves.
Planning reserve margins are expected to be adequate for a hotter-than-normal summer, FERC said in its annual summer reliability report.
SPP stakeholders approved a revision request that allows the RTO to lower its planning reserve margin as it waits on a quorum-less FERC.
MISO summer planning reserve margins will remain firmly above requirements even after it shaved nearly half a percentage point.
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