Planning Resource Auction (PRA)
MISO officials say they will follow through on most recommendations in its Independent Market Monitor’s 2017 State of the Market report.
MISO’s IMM urged the RTO to require that planning resources have firm transmission to ensure they can deliver their full installed capacity.
The Resource Adequacy Subcommittee allowed MISO to use last year’s capacity export limit for Missouri’s Zone 5 after the RTO could not identify the limit.
MISO is planning a study to ensure external resources bordering more than one of its local resource zones participates in only one zone.
MISO, commited to moving forward, said it plans to refile a plan to create external capacity resource zones with FERC by the end of the month.
FERC rejected MISO’s proposal to create external zones for its annual capacity auction but left the door open for a revised plan in the future.
At last week's MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee meeting, staff reviewed how capacity import limits can bind in the RTO's annual capacity auction.
MISO’s plan to create external resource zones in its annual capacity auction isn’t detailed enough on several fronts, FERC told the RTO.
Stakeholders said they foresee MISO making multiple changes to its markets to accommodate energy storage in response to FERC Order 841.
MISO’s Market Monitor floated a plan that would allow resources that are unavailable for the full planning year to offer into the RTO’s capacity auction.
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