Planning Resource Auction (PRA)
The MISO Independent Market Monitor, David Patton, added eight new recommendations in his 2015 State of the Market Report.
MISO will not yield on a planned July filing for capacity auction design changes, while a filing to add seasonal and locational constructs will be delayed.
MISO is considering changes to its proposed forward capacity auction for Zone 4 in the face of opposition from its Market Monitor.
MISO is considering changes to its proposed forward capacity auction for Zone 4 in the face of opposition from its Market Monitor.
Dynegy said it will idle as much as 30% of the capacity in Illinois because their units can’t recover their costs from the MISO energy and capacity markets.
The annual MISO capacity auction again produced disparate, roller coaster results, with prices in 3 zones quintupling versus last year and Zone 4 dropping.
Deregulated markets in MISO would get a three-year forward capacity auction beginning in 2018, under a proposal unveiled by the RTO.
FERC has ordered MISO to change the way it conducts capacity auctions beginning with the 2016/17 auction in April.
FERC has begun a non-public investigation over allegations of improprieties in MISO's April capacity auction and will hold a technical conference on the matter Oct. 20.
Dynegy told FERC it should reject complaints over its bidding in MISO’s capacity auction last April, saying the challenges suffer from a “fatal” procedural flaw.
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