Planning Resource Auction (PRA)
FERC on Tuesday accepted a MISO tariff filing, promising to annually update an unforced capacity-to-intermediate seasonal accredited capacity ratio.
MISO delivered an incomplete summer readiness report Thursday while stakeholders waited on seasonal capacity auction results.
The results of MISO’s inaugural seasonal capacity auctions, released late Wednesday, showed sufficient supply for the 2023/24 planning year.
FERC approved MISO’s reworked ratio for use in its capacity auction a day before MISO began accepting offers on the postponed auction.
MISO will fire up its capacity auction machinery beginning April 18 after it was forced to delay the auction last month on a FERC order.
Two competitive electricity organizations have protested FERC’s show-cause order to MISO that will ultimately downsize resources’ capacity accreditation values.
FERC Commissioner James Danly paid an unannounced visit to MISO’s board meeting following a snag in the RTO’s new capacity accreditation process.
FERC Commissioner James Danly paid a surprise visit to MISO’s Board of Directors meeting following a snag in the RTO’s new capacity accreditation process.
MISO will likely delay its capacity auction by at least a month after FERC issued a show-cause order regarding a capacity ratio the RTO is required to publish.
MISO can continue as planned with its seasonal capacity auction and availability-based resource accreditation, FERC ruled, rejecting rehearing requests.
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