Planning Resource Auction (PRA)
MISO will seek FERC approval for a proposal to tighten LMR accreditation standards for capacity auctions as stakeholders complain the plan is restrictive.
MISO is wrapping up implementation of approved outage rules designed to dissuade capacity resources from taking long outages that could risk supply.
Early data for MISO’s spring capacity auction shows a 1-GW uptick in the capacity supply needs but essentially no change in year-over-year peak forecasts.
Regulators granted a request by staff and Texas Industrial Energy Consumers for a list of investors behind the $4.3 billion acquisition of El Paso Electric.
MISO is proposing fixes to its LOLE study and capacity accreditation while it tries to determine if it should implement a seasonal capacity construct.
MISO's Resource Adequacy Subcommittee discussed delaying deliverability requirement changes, limiting extended planned outages and deadlines for the PRA.
MISO will suspend updates on its resource availability and need project through November to allow time for analysis that may drive future draft rules.
MISO has softened a proposal to crack down on long-term outages from capacity resources, granting some wiggle room for outages taken in the summer.
Mark Volpe, CEO of the Coalition of Midwest Power Producers, argues MISO's deference to incumbent transmission operators is driving merchant generation out.
Public Citizen asked FERC to rehear its ruling dismissing complaints over MISO’s 2015/16 capacity auction, saying it failed to justify its findings.
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