February 23, 2025

Polar Vortex

PJM: Cold Snap Uplift Shows Need for Pricing Changes
PJM that its generation fleet performed much better in this New Year’s January cold snap than during the 2014 polar vortex.
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FERC, RTOs: Grid Performed Better in Jan. Cold Snap vs. 2014
Generators fared better during the early January cold snap than in the 2014 polar vortex, officials told Congress, but New England needs to take urgent preventative action.
MISO Breaks down Recent Cold Snap
While the high load and generation outages followed the pattern of the polar vortex, MISO managed to keep prices stable and maintain better reliability.
Entergy Louisiana
FERC Grants MISO 4th Winter Offer Cap Waiver
FERC has allowed MISO to waive its $1,000/MWh offer cap for the fourth straight winter in response to the extremely cold weather.
Eastern Grid Operators Weather Extreme Winter Conditions
The three grid operators serving the East Coast, ISO-NE, NYISO and PJM Interconnection, have so far weathered the extended cold snap gripping the region.
PJM Operating Committee Briefs: Dec. 12, 2017
PJM’s plan to add several gas pipeline emergency procedures to its manuals was derailed by stakeholders.
NARUC Panelists See Need to Define, Price Resiliency
Panelists discussing the DOE NOPR on grid resiliency at the NARUC Annual Meeting agreed that energy markets should put a price on what the grid needs.
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PJM Operating Committee Briefs: Nov. 7, 2017
PJM presented the Operating Committee with a proposed solution to address FERC’s proposed primary frequency response rule.
MISO’s Plans for Wintertime Offer Caps Stalled by FERC
FERC found that MISO did not adequately comply with its directives in Order 831, which stipulated changes to the RTO's hard and soft offer cap processes.
Powelson Outlines FERC Tenure Agenda
At the Decade of Disruption conference in Pennsylvania, FERC Commissioner Robert Powelson talked about his concerns with the DOE NOPR and his priorities.

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