public policy transmission need (PPTN)
NYISO presented stakeholders with its preliminary proposal for complying with FERC Order 1920, giving a first glimpse into how the ISO may conduct a long-term transmission planning process.
NYISO’s early 2025 will likely be dominated by the Reliability Needs Assessment process again, but the year will also bring other issues.
NYISO received four bids in response to its Public Policy Transmission Need solicitation to deliver up to 8 GW of offshore wind power to New York City.
NYISO’s Operating Committee voted to approve the results from the Expedited Deliverability Study (EDS) 2023-01 report that included 16 projects, two of which were found to be undeliverable.
NYISO CEO Rich Dewey highlighted efficiency improvements and the challenges of the continued electrification at the Jan. 31 MC meeting.
The New York Public Service Commission requested a rehearing of FERC’s December order granting a 50-basis-point RTO participation adder for the Propel NY Energy transmission project.
NYISO said it plans to file a motion with FERC for an extension on the compliance deadline for Order 2023, according to a presentation given to stakeholders.
NYISO delved into a plethora of upcoming projects, including the New York City public policy transmission need assessment and what the preliminary rules and assumptions will be.
NYISO addressed stakeholder questions in a statement it released about the predicted near-term reliability shortfall in New York City, and potentially statewide.
The PSC has called on NYISO to open its next PPTN with the goal of getting 6,000 MW of new transmission facilities in Long Island to facilitate the export of future offshore wind resources.
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