Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM)
Despite the recent release of results from a study on the two competing day-ahead markets in the West, two New Mexico utilities said they need to conduct more analysis before they make a choice.
Avangrid has pulled the plug on its proposed $8.3 billion acquisition of PNM Resources, as final approval for the deal remains tied up at the New Mexico Supreme Court.
When it comes to choosing between Western day-ahead market offerings, who else is participating in the market is a key consideration, a representative of a New Mexico utility said.
State regulators have launched a process to develop “guiding principles” regarding participation in a regional day-ahead market or RTO.
FERC issued orders directing transmission providers to clarify their timelines for calculating and submitting ambient-adjusted line ratings under Order 881.
Public Service Co. of New Mexico joined the Western Power Pool's Western Resource Adequacy Program, bringing the number of participants to 22.
FERC rejected a proposed settlement intended to resolve a longstanding dispute over how to implement Order 1000 in the WestConnect planning region.
PNM exhausted every alternative before postponing the retirement of the coal-fired San Juan plant until the end of this summer, a utility executive said.
FERC challenged the transmission formula rate protocols of five Western utilities, saying they lack sufficient transparency and customer protections.
CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market hit a record $739 million in member benefits in 2021, putting its total close to $2 billion since it launched in 2014.
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