January 20, 2025

Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG)

FERC Approves ISO-NE FCA 1 Refund Plan
ISO-NE will issue more than $20 million in refunds to resources that were prevented from reducing their capacity offers in FCA 1.
UPDATED: The RTO Insider Top 30
We are proud to announce the initiation of the RTO Insider Top 30, the first in what will be a quarterly review of the top publicly traded companies.
MISO Posts 2nd Revision of Duff-Coleman RFPs
MISO updated the competitive solicitation for the Duff-Coleman transmission project in response to stakeholder questions.
FERC: PSEG Can Recover Costs if Artificial Island Project is Canceled
FERC approved an incentive filing by PJM that will allow PSE&G to recoup all of its costs if the Artificial Island reliability project is canceled due to reasons beyond the company’s control.
Prices Down 26% in ISO-NE Capacity Auction
Prices dropped 26% in ISO-NE’s 10th Forward Capacity Auction as new resources more than made up for retiring generation.
PSEG, P3 Group Appeal FERC Rulings on PJM Capacity Rules
PSEG and P3 had disputed PJM’s use of an 8% cost of capital used in cost of new entry calculations.
FERC Questions Fairness of Artificial Island Cost Allocation
FERC ruled that PJM's cost allocations for the Artificial Island and PSE&G transmission projects may not be just and reasonable, ordering a technical conference.
End of Con Ed-PSEG Wheel?
Con Ed said it may end its use of the wheel when its current term expires on April 30, 2017.
Ahead of Most, Northeast Still Faces Clean Energy Challenges
The Northeast may be further along than most regions in meeting the EPA’s new carbon emission rules, but it also faces challenges procuring clean energy.
What’s Next for Exelon’s Nukes, AEP Merchant Fleet?
PJM generators — such as Exelon, Dynegy, NRG and PSEG — will earn $10.9 billion from this year’s capacity auction in the first test of the RTO’s new Capacity Performance requirements.

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