Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA)

Michigan PSC
Michigan PSC Filing New Distributed Generation Rule
Michigan regulators want to revamp their interconnection process to create more certainty for generation developers and a fast-track for small projects.
Public Skeptical of New FERC Participation Office
Landowners told FERC that they doubted its new Office of Public Participation would improve the commission’s decision-making on natural gas infrastructure.
FERC Reverses Ruling on Montana QF
FERC reversed its September order denying a Montana solar hybrid project certification as a qualifying facility because its capacity was too large.
FERC Limits State ‘Opt Out’ on DR
FERC reversed its ruling giving state regulators power to prevent demand response from participating in DER aggregations.
FERC Sets ‘Listening Sessions’ on New Office
FERC will take public input on the commission’s nascent Office of Public Participation during “listening sessions” on March 17 to 25.
FERC OKs Fuel Cells as Cogen Under PURPA
FERC ruled that all fuel cells that use waste heat in an integrated fuel reforming process qualify as cogeneration facilities under PURPA.
FERC Rejects Challenges on PURPA Changes
FERC rejected challenges to Order 872, which revised how it enforces the PURPA, but the commission granted clarification on several points.
FERC Proposes Updating PURPA Regs for Fuel Cells
Prompted by a petition from Bloom Energy, FERC proposed to include solid oxide fuel cells as qualifying cogeneration facilities under PURPA.
FERC Refuses Complaint over Wabash’s DG Rules
FERC has sided with the Wabash Valley Power Association in a skirmish with a cooperative member over its distributed generation rules.
Montana Hybrid Ruling Departs from PURPA Precedent
FERC broke with precedent in a decision that will hamstring the ability of hybrid resource developers to optimize the output of projects.

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