February 23, 2025

pumped storage hydro (PSH)

Washington Dept. of Ecology
Washington Pumped Hydro Project Faces Permitting, Obstacles
Washington’s first pumped storage generator is expected to go online between 2028 and 2030, if it can obtain the needed state and federal approvals.
Kauai Solar + Pumped Hydro Project Raises Questions
A solar plus pumped hydro storage project proposed by the Kauai Island Utility Cooperative could produce a quarter of the island’s energy requirements.
Calif. Energy Commission OKs $22M for Storage
The California Energy Commission approved $22M in grants to fund long-term energy storage projects and another $6M to test using repurposed EV batteries.
CPUC Approves Big Boost in Storage, Solar Targets
The California PUC approved historic increases in the state’s clean energy targets, calling for almost 25 GW of renewable energy and storage by 2030.
City of Lake Elsinore
FERC Tells LEAPS to Get in Line
FERC rejected a request by developers of a proposed pumped storage project for cost-based rate recovery as a transmission asset in CAISO.
MISO Stakeholders Outline Early Storage Impacts
Stakeholders said they foresee MISO making multiple changes to its markets to accommodate energy storage in response to FERC Order 841.
Va. Data Centers, Residential Growth Boost Dominion Demand
Data centers and residential customer growth are driving increased electric demand for Dominion Energy in Virginia.
MISO Rules Must Bend for Storage, Stakeholders Say
MISO must fully consider the special attributes of energy storage devices before developing new rules, stakeholders said.

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