February 23, 2025

Reforming the Energy Vision (REV)

Project Execution the Focus for Meeting NY Renewable Goals
It’s time to focus on building individual renewable energy projects in NY, speakers said at the Alliance for Clean Energy New York’s 11th Fall Conference.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: Sept. 27, 2017
NYISO will soon announce the formation of a carbon pricing task force, CEO Brad Jones told the Management Committee.
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Money and Cooperation Drive New York REV
“Everything has to change,” New York State Chairman of Energy and Finance Richard L. Kauffman said at Greentech Media’s New York REV Future 2017 conference.
NYISO Stakeholders Talk Details of Carbon Charge
NYISO stakeholders offered broad support for incorporating a $40/ton carbon charge into the ISO’s markets at a special public hearing.
NY Clean Energy Commitment Spurs Procurement
New York developers are finding it easier to invest in the state now that it is providing more predictability around clean energy procurement.
New York City Ramps Up Community Solar
A community solar development panel at the Infocast New York Energy REVolution Summit discussed the need for improved policies and regulations around DER.
New York Sees Storage in Retail and Wholesale Markets
Energy storage developers and utilities in New York are working with NYISO to establish dual participation of storage in retail and wholesale markets.
NYPSC Pushes Ahead with ESCO Investigation
The NYPSC rejected requests to halt its ongoing investigation into the pricing practices of energy service companies (ESCOs).
Ex-FERC Commissioner Tony Clark Addresses Markets’ ‘Identity Crisis’
Tony Clark’s term as FERC commissioner ended nine months ago, but he hasn’t stopped thinking about the issues that animated him during his four-year tenure.
NYPSC Extends Con Ed Demand Program
The New York PSC approved an indefinite extension for Consolidated Edison’s demand management program in Brooklyn and Queens.

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