February 23, 2025

reliability coordinator (RC)

SPP MOPC Briefs: Jan. 14-15, 2020
SPP staff are expected to return to the MOPC with a proposal for a “strategic survey” following numerous occurrences of conservative operations last summer.
PG&E Turmoil Will Occupy West Again in 2020
PG&E's bankruptcy looks likely to continue through the first half of 2020, while CAISO seeks to expand its EIM and meet reliability requirements.
West’s RC Transition Earns Plaudits
The Western Interconnection’s transition to multiple reliability coordinators ended well when SPP took over the remaining Peak Reliability territories.
NERC Certifies SPP as RC Provider in West
NERC has certified SPP’s reliability coordination offering in the Western Interconnection, allowing the RTO to offer those services effective Dec. 3.
SPP Western Reliability Briefs: Week of Sept. 16, 2019
SPP’s efforts to extend RC services to about 12% of the Western Interconnection’s load remains on a glide path, staff said at Black Hills Energy’s offices.
Operating Reliability Subcomm. Briefs: Sept. 4, 2019
Members of the ORS appeared to reach consensus on the need for an emergency conference call procedure for RCs to supplement the existing NERC hotline.
Western RC Transition Moves into 2nd Phase
RC West staff briefed its Oversight Committee on its launch of reliability coordinator services in CAISO and the progress of its Phase 2 expansion.
Certification Team Checks SPP’s Western RC Function
The certification process for SPP’s reliability coordination function in the Western Interconnection began with an on-site visit by two dozen industry reps.
SPP Western Reliability Briefs: July 16-17, 2019
SPP’s Western Reliability Working Group approved several governing documents as it prepares for its new RC function in the Western Interconnection.
New Western RCs to FERC: All Systems Go
CAISO, SPP and BC Hydro officials reassured FERC that the Western Interconnection’s transition from two reliability coordinators to five is going smoothly.

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