February 23, 2025

reliability coordinator (RC)

West Faces Big Challenges, NERC Chief Tells WECC
NERC CEO Jim Robb returned to his former workplace at the WECC last week for the first time since he took the nation’s top reliability job 15 months ago.
CAISO’s RC West Earns NERC Certification
CAISO's RC West operation has won NERC certification and is on track to begin serving balancing authorities in California and parts of Mexico on July 1.
New RCs Tell WECC Transition on Schedule
The key players in the Western reliability coordinator transition told WECC they’re on track to take over on a staggered timeline from July to December.
RC West Moving Smoothly Toward July Handover
CAISO’s RC West has been shadowing Peak Reliability as the ISO prepares to take over reliability coordinator functions by the end of this year.
SPP Western Reliability Briefs: Week of May 13, 2019
Southwest Power Pool staff shared a proposed “modification oversight process” with its Western reliability coordination customers.
NERC Standards News Briefs: May 8-9, 2019
The NERC Board of Trustees approved a supply chain report and a new standard on third-party transient electronic devices while eliminating 84 requirements.
FERC OKs SERC’s Expansion into Florida
FERC approved SERC Reliability as the regional entity for all of Florida, replacing Florida Reliability Coordinating Council (FRCC).
SPP Solicits Interest in Western Real-time Market
SPP has made its long-held interest in the West official by “calling on interested utilities and other customers” to help build a real-time market “that will meet the electricity needs of the Western Interconnection.”
SPP on Track for WECC RC Certification
SPP said it is confident it will meet its first major target in providing reliability coordination services to 12% of the Western Interconnection’s load.
CAISO RC Oversight Committee Elects Leaders
CAISO’s RC West Oversight Committee held its monthly meeting as the grid operator prepares to assume the reliability coordinator role for most of the West.

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