reliability-must-run (RMR) agreements
CAISO stakeholders voiced skepticism about the effectiveness of a new ISO initiative to prevent early retirement of unprofitable generators.
At last week's ERCOT Board of Directors meeting, CEO Bill Magness highlighted the ISO's growing wind resources and the challenges they pose to reliability.
The Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) approved an ERCOT request to share confidential generator-specific information with Lubbock Power & Light.
The CAISO Board of Governors approved an ISO request to designate two Calpine natural gas-fired plants as reliability-must-run (RMR) despite criticism.
PJM's response to the delay of a transmission line to maintain reliability near Jamestown, Va., may lead to increased costs to ratepayers.
General assumptions regarding winter operations will need to be replaced with actual data to improve PJM’s winter resource adequacy analysis.
The PUCT asked staff to revise a rulemaking on emergency response service, saying it didn't favor expanding the program to avoid local blackouts.
CAISO wants to use reliability-must-run agreements to keep two Calpine plants in Northern California operating after their long-term contracts expire.
ERCOT announced it is terminating its reliability-must-run agreement for NRG Texas Power’s Greens Bayou Unit 5 in Houston, effective May 29.
ERCOT 2017 goals include accomodating distributed generation, enhanced ancillary services and improved reliability-must-run practices.
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