ReliabilityFirst Corp.
ReliabilityFirst is 1 of 6 regional NERC-authorized companies charged with working with industry to ensure the survivalability of the high-voltage power grid.
Presenters at ReliabilityFirst's monthly technical talk discussed the use of software bills of materials in cybersecurity and updates to the Align project.
FERC OK'd a settlement between ReliabilityFirst and ITC Transmission for violations of NERC reliability standards at the Dearborn Industrial Generation site.
FERC last week approved penalties against utilities in the footprints of ReliabilityFirst, MRO, and WECC for violations of NERC reliability standards.
Crowezr, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
FERC approved a $300,000 penalty against the Ohio Valley Electric Corp. for multiple violations of NERC's standards for vegetation management.
FERC accepted the ERO Enterprise's 2022 Business Plans and Budgets, reflecting planned increases in spending by NERC and the regional entities.
Camerafiend, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
FERC approved a $265,000 settlement between WECC and the Public Service Company of New Mexico for violations of NERC's reliability standards.
MISO's Trevor Hines told attendees at a webinar that the RTO is still identifying and working through lessons from the February winter storm.
ReliabilityFirst assessed MISO a $500,000 fine for violating Critical Infrastructure Protection standards. MISO says security was never at risk.
ReliabilityFirst’s annual meeting saw presentations to the regional entity’s membership and Board of Directors on a variety of topics.
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