RENEW Northeast
ISO-NE and the region’s TOs have asked FERC to dismiss a RENEW Northeast complaint that seeks to shift network upgrade O&M costs off interconnection customers.
RENEW Northeast is asking FERC to shift the burden of network upgrade operations and maintenance costs in ISO-NE off of interconnection customers.
Competitive Power Ventures’ proposal to revamp ISO-NE's financial assurance rules failed to win approval from NEPOOL’s Participants Committee.
ISO-NE requested that FERC dismiss a complaint by renewable energy groups alleging that its rules don’t adequately take into account the uncertainty of gas.
Two renewable energy industry groups are asking federal regulators to address what they say are unfair preferences given to gas-powered generators in ISO-NE.
ISO-NE is drawing up a new schedule for next year's capacity auction, FCA 17, which has been delayed.
Fletcher6, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The NEPOOL Markets Committee signed off on a plan to delay the elimination of ISO-NE’s MOPR, which the RTO abruptly threw its support behind.
Nantucket residents want to halt development of offshore wind within a “nexus of activity” for the critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whale.
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