renewable energy
FERC rebuffed a request by PG&E for a 13% return on equity based on its financial risks from wildfires and the state's aggressive decarbonization efforts.
PJM saw interconnection requests for solar more than triple since 2019, comprising more than half the interconnection queue, according to the 2021 RTEP report.
Levelized cost of energy called a "flawed metric" and a 100% renewable grid could raise costs and affect reliability, experts say.
In its yearly Wall Street briefing, the Edison Electric Institute stressed the importance of extending federal tax credits for renewable resources.
MISO’s resource adequacy stakeholder group is starting the new year by tackling new capacity accreditations for renewable and energy storage resources.
Global investments in EVs and charging infrastructure are set to outpace renewables in 2022, a new Bloomberg report says.
Michigan would have at least 2 million EVs and get half of its electricity from renewables by 2030 under a climate plan sent to Gov. Whitmer.
Severe weather and rapidly diversifying generation will challenge electric reliability in the next decade, NERC said in its Long-Term Reliability Assessment.
PJM launched a multiyear initiative on the increasing integration of renewables with the release of a study on the transformation of generation.
Barbara Tyran, director of ACORE’s Macro Grid Initiative, discusses the issues grid operators and regulators face in ensuring cost-effective, reliable service.
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