resource adequacy (RA)
FERC's annual Reliability Technical Conference will feature discussions on resource adequacy and other pressing grid reliability concerns.
MISO is questioning whether its one-day-in-10-years loss of load standard remains the best method for establishing resource adequacy, and state regulators want in on potential decisions.
The Western Power Pool’s Board of Directors has approved changes to the Western Resource Adequacy Program’s transition plan that include postponing the program’s “binding” phase by one year and reducing penalties for participants who come up short on RA.
Assembly Bill 2368 would require the California Public Utilities Commission to adopt a 1-in-10 loss of load expectation — or a similarly robust planning standard — when setting resource adequacy requirements.
Now that SPP has set planning reserve margins for the 2026 summer and 2026/27 winter seasons, the grid operator has turned its attention to setting up a longer-term PRM.
NERC released the first installment of the federally mandated ITCS in draft form this week.
SPP’s Markets and Operations Policy Committee endorsed recommended revision requests from two stakeholder groups as part of the RTO’s effort to strengthen resource adequacy.
SPP’s Board of Directors and its members have approved the initial tariff for its Markets+ service offering in the Western Interconnection, clearing the way for its filing at FERC.
CPS Energy notified ERCOT it plans to “indefinitely suspend operations” at three aging gas-fired units in 2025, further reducing the Texas grid’s thermal capacity.
MISO is determined to file with FERC by the end of March to introduce a probabilistic capacity accreditation that’s controversial among its stakeholders.
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