resource availability and need (RAN)
MISO revived the idea of implementing a seasonal capacity auction as part of its multipronged resource availability and need initiative, but promised to gather more data before defining long-term solutions.
MISO CEO John Bear opened GCPA’s MISO South Regional Conference with the RTO’s strategic initiatives and the five “500-year” storms it has experienced.
Stakeholders are urging MISO to slow downits disjointed resource availability and need effort until it can measure the effects of 3 related FERC filings.
With spring season approaching, MISO is encouraging stakeholders to offer ideas to address the growing divide between resource availability and need.
MISO will spend much of 2019 working on how it can prevent the increasingly frequent emergency conditions it experienced in 2018.
MISO discussed what resource availability and need solutions it will focus on next year, including improvements to the Planning Resource Auction.
Stakeholders are skeptical of MISO's proposed Tariff revisions imposing stricter outage rules and load-modifying resource requirements.
MISO staff now say they will zero in on three short-term resource availability and need fixes that can be rolled out early next year.
A systemwide emergency, market innovations and the relatively calm summer topped the discussions at MISO’s Board of Directors meetings.
MISO laid out how it will tackle changing resource availability and needs in its footprint ahead of the release of a white paper on the issue.
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