Richard Glick
The future electric grid that upends traditional utility operations may be soon, according to industry experts speaking at the MISO Market Symposium.
Cheryl LaFleur, who has been attending the FERC reliability technical conference since her appointment, always opens the meeting by citing something special about each year’s gathering.
FERC commissioners told Congress that the grid is not facing a national security emergency, as the Trump administration has claimed.
FERC Commissioners Cheryl LaFleur and Richard Glick told state regulators at the annual meeting of the WCPSC that they will take a light-handed approach as the West develops new market structures.
The Republican majority at FERC narrowed the circumstances under which it will estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from natural gas pipeline projects.
FERC will review how it enforces the 1978 Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA), with the commission’s treatment of the 1-mile rule a likely focus.
FERC approved ISO-NE’s two-stage capacity auction to accommodate state renewable energy procurements.
PSEG CEO Ralph Izzo expressed confidence that the company’s five nuclear power plants will receive subsidies through New Jersey legislation.
Resilience, pipelines and PURPA topped the discussions at the National Association of Regulatory Commissioners’ (NARUC) winter meetings.
FERC ordered hearing and settlement proceedings on Southern California Edison’s proposal to revise its transmission formula rate.
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