February 23, 2025


NOPR Backers, Foes Seek Last Word at Comment Deadline
Nuclear and coal generators made their argument for price supports, as opponents urged FERC to allow stakeholders time to debate the value of resilience.
Duke University
Counterflow — Clunkers Shoot Selves in Foot
Supporters of the DOE NOPR have promoted an insane rush to judgment, according to columnist Steve Huntoon.
McIntyre and Glick Confirmed to FERC
The Senate confirmed Republican Kevin McIntyre and Democrat Richard Glick to FERC, giving the commission a full panel for the first time in two years.
Critics Slam PJM’s NOPR Alternative as ‘Windfall’
The PJM Independent Market Monitor and other critics say the alternative the RTO proposed to the DOE NOPR would also be expensive and undermine the markets.
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CPUC Bolsters Demand Response, Pans Resiliency NOPR
California regulators voted to extend the life of a state demand response pilot project and expressed their unanimous opposition to the DOE NOPR.
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SPP Signs on to RTO Council’s Comments on DOE NOPR
SPP said it will join the ISO/RTO Council’s filing against the Department of Energy’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to support struggling coal and nuclear.
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FERC Flooded with Comments on DOE NOPR
FERC received more than 200 comments on Rick Perry’s proposal, with coal and nuclear interests backing the idea and most other stakeholders rejecting it.
RTOs Reject NOPR; Say Fuel Risks Exaggerated
RTO officials and their Market Monitors unilaterally rejected Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s proposal to provide price supports to coal and nuclear plants.
PJM: Energy Price Formation Addresses DOE NOPR
PJM agrees there is an issue with maintaining reliability, but not the one suggested by the DOE's recent call for price supports for coal and nuclear.
Connecticut Planning for Future with Changing Climate
Speakers at the Connecticut Power & Energy Society’s Future of Energy Conference talked about how the state is planning for climate change.

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