RTO adder
FERC again upheld the RTO incentives it previously approved for Southern California Edison and PG&E, rejecting rehearing requests by California regulators.
Stakeholders reiterated the positions in their initial comments in FERC's inquiry into its transmission incentive policies as they rebutted each other.
Regulators should preserve the multiple incentives currently offered to transmission developers, former FERC commissioners said.
FERC reaffirmed that Pacific Gas & Electric participates voluntarily in CAISO and qualifies for hefty financial incentives to remain in the ISO.
FERC’s request for comments on transmission incentives produced splits between transmission owners and load interests, as well as calls for new policies.
FERC granted Ameren a rehearing on an incentive rate treatment for only one portion of the company’s Grand Rivers transmission project.
FERC reduced the return on equity adders previously granted to ITC Holdings subsidiaries for being independent, standalone transmission providers.
FERC approved a reduced return on equity for Pioneer Transmission’s portion of a recently completed 765-kV line in Indiana.
The 9th Circuit challenged FERC's decisions allowing PG&E to include a CAISO participation adder in its transmission rates.
FERC ordered hearing and settlement proceedings on Southern California Edison’s proposal to revise its transmission formula rate.
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