Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
FERC rejected a request for rehearing by several Pacific Gas and Electric transmission customers.
The chairman of NERC’s Board of Trustees said the organization hopes to have a new CEO in place by the summer.
FERC upheld a previous ruling covering Order 1000 cost allocation in the WestConnect planning region, adding further explanation of its reasoning.
FERC rejected an argument by the California PUC (CPUC) that it erred last year in allowing PG&E to include a 50-basis-point ISO participation adder.
EIM transfers out of CAISO were on the upswing in March, re-establishing a pattern first seen last spring with California’s growing solar surpluses.
Salt River Project signed an agreement with CAISO that puts the utility on track to join with the Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) in April 2020.
The balancing area for the Sacramento Municipal Utilities District signed an agreement allowing SMUD to join the Western EIM in 2019.
WAPA and SMUD said the Colusa-Sutter project will provide additional bidirectional transmission capacity to improve SMUD’s ability to participate in CAISO’s Energy Imbalance Market (EIM).
CAISO rang in 2016 with a strong push to expand its EIM into PacifiCorp’s sprawling service territory, but the project hit a stumbling block by mid-year.
Seattle City Light has signed an agreement with CAISO to begin participating in the Western Energy Imbalance Market in April 2019.
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