October 6, 2024

San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)

California Agencies, Utilities Prep for Climate Change
California utilities and state agencies are cooperating on developing plans to manage the effects of global climate change on the electricity grid.
Calif. Utilities Say Data Bill Poses Security Risk
California utilities and business groups are opposing a state bill that would increase the amount of publicly available data about electricity consumers.
Utility Proposal Would Increase Legacy Costs for California CCAs
Californians who receive electricity from a community choice aggregator could face higher costs under a plan proposed by three investor-owned utilities.
CAISO Considers Fast-Track Approval for 2 Tx Projects
CAISO is considering approval of two low-cost transmission upgrade projects using an accelerated procedure that bypasses the usual stakeholder process.
CPUC Orders Renegotiation of San Onofre Settlement
The California PUC ordered Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric to meet with groups opposed to the commission’s 2014 settlement
FERC Denies Rehearing on SDGE Abandonment Incentive
FERC denied San Diego Gas & Electric’s (SDG&E) request for rehearing of an order that limited the amount the utility can be reimbursed.
California Regulatory Model Fosters — and Hinders — DER Integration
Last week’s Infocast California Distributed Energy Summit was a crash course in the complexity of developing policies on distributed energy resources.

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