FERC denied rehearing of a 2019 order that directed MISO, PJM and SPP to shine more light on how they perform their affected-system studies.
Stakeholders at the Organization of MISO States’ annual meeting debated the merits of interregional transmission planning between MISO and SPP.
The SPP Seams Steering Committee discussed last month's level 1 energy emergency alert and, the RTO's 3rd unsuccessful attempt to partner with MISO.
MISO and PJM said they will propose changes to how they determine flowgate rights in a white paper in November.
MISO and SPP are making earnest efforts to coordinate transmission development along their shared seam, according to speakers at MARC.
The SPP Regional State Committee approved a recommendation to engage the RTO’s MMU and the MISO Monitor to conduct a joint analysis on seams issues.
Parties of a joint congestion management process are resistant to an update to MISO and PJM's freeze date, used to grandfather transmission flows.
SPP and MISO are reviewing a draft of their 2019 Coordinated System Plan, which will determine the need for any interregional transmission projects.
SPP’s Regional State Committee endorsed a policy white paper intended to ensure all net peak demand is carrying the appropriate capacity.
The SPP-MISO Joint Planning Committee has voted to begin a new coordinated system plan this year, SPP staff told the RTO’s Seams Steering Committee.
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