The MISO rejection of the last possible interregional transmission project resulting from a coordinated study with SPP surprised the latter RTO.
NERC will host a webinar Aug. 25 to help the current members of SPP’s Regional Entity transition to new compliance authorities.
The SPP Board of Directors and Members Committee approved MOPC's decision to let the Z2, Export Pricing and Gas-Electric Coordination task forces expire.
Having agreed on a first potential interregional transmission project with MISO, SPP is moving the 115-kV line in South Dakota through regional review.
Speakers at the Gulf Coast Power Association’s (GCPA) MISO South Regional Conference said that the region doesn't feel fully integrated into the RTO.
The SPP Seams Steering Committee welcomed two new members, while the RTO set another record for wind generation.
FERC said it will give CAISO more time to address its concerns over intertie bidding at the borders of the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM).
SPP stakeholders agreed to amend a two-year-old policy paper and clarify when FERC approval would be needed for cost allocation towards some seams projects.
The Southwest Power Pool (SPP) says it has successfully implemented system changes required by FERC Order 809, improving gas-electric coordination.
PJM and NYISO are continuing their efforts to identify a spot-in transmission solution at a special PJM Market Implementation Committee meeting Dec. 21.
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