PJM is using a three-pronged approach to prepare for next year’s termination of the Con Ed-PSEG wheel.
The SPP Seams Steering Committee can expect to soon see a final scope of the next planned joint transmission study with MISO.
Recommendations to streamline SPP’s transmission planning process won unanimous approval from the Strategic Planning Committee and MOPC.
MISO and the SPP Seams Steering Committee have ended months of uncertainty by agreeing to a second joint system study.
MISO presented a plan to address FERC’s order (a response to a NIPSCO complaint) in an ongoing dispute over its seam with PJM.
A review of stakeholder conversations and decisions at the PJM Planning Committee and Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee.
SPP’s Seams Steering Committee considered whether it might find some relief in a recent FERC order related to the MISO-PJM seam.
A summary of issues discussed by the MISO Reliability Subcommittee, including frequency response and the RTO's quarterly report on seams.
SPP set yet another wind penetration record, surpassing ERCOT, while the Seams Steering Committee agreed to a joint transmission study with MISO.
MISO stakeholders say they do not expect perfect procedures at the seams with neighboring balancing areas, but they do want the RTO to implement reforms.
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