October 6, 2024

seasonal capacity

Alliant Energy
MISO Stakeholders Vote on Seasonal Capacity Auction Delay
Stakeholders unhappy with MISO's proposal to create seasonal capacity auctions and resource accreditation can vote for a yearlong delay on the plan. 
MISO Says Dicey Fall Operations Ahead
MISO expects a chance for an emergency every month this fall, with the possibility of burning through the entirety of its emergency resource reserves.
MISO Zeros in on Seasonal Capacity Auction, Accreditation
MISO is confirming final details of its bid for seasonal capacity auctions & availability-based accreditation while some stakeholders continue to criticize it.
NextEra Energy
MISO Leadership Says Transmission Expansion, Market Redefinition ‘not Optional’
MISO execs say long-term transmission and a capacity market redesign are a must in response to rising climate risks and fleet change.
MISO Places 4-month Hold on Seasonal Auction, Stricter Accreditation
MISO postponed filing tariff revisions to implement 4 seasonal capacity auctions and impose a more rigorous accreditation process on participating resources.
UPDATED: MISO Capacity Auction Values South Capacity at a Penny
MISO’s ninth annual capacity auction cleared MISO South zones — two months removed from emergency load shed orders — at just a penny/MW-day.
MISO, Stakeholders Disagree on Post-storm Accreditation
MISO staff and stakeholders clashed in front of board members on whether the RTO’s proposed capacity accreditation design should move forward.
MISO Underscores Need for RA Action in Winter Storm Review
MISO reiterated the extraordinary nature of mid-February’s winter storm, promising more data later this month and resource adequacy solutions by year-end.
MISO Intends to Add Seasonal Capacity Auction
MISO plans to subdivide its annual capacity auction by seasons to better manage reliability risks caused by renewables’ growing share of the resource mix.
MISO Monitor Reviews Blustery Fall
Fall in MISO was a study in record wind production, but it came with a price, as it produced more than half of the quarter’s real-time congestion.

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