February 23, 2025


Commenters Weigh in on PJM MOPR Compliance Filing
More than two dozen companies and coalitions filed responses to PJM’s compliance filing to FERC's order expanding its MOPR.
Dominion: FERC MOPR Rulings Inconsistent on Self-supply
Dominion asked FERC to reconsider its conclusion self-supply resources suppress PJM capacity prices, saying it is inconsistent with an exemption in NYISO.
Is Self-supply Suppressing Prices?
Has FERC made a case that cooperatives, municipal utilities and vertically integrated utilities that self-supply suppress capacity prices?
MOPR Ruling Threatens to Upend Self-supply Model
ODEC and other self-supply load-serving entities in PJM argue FERC's order to expand the MOPR will undermine their roles in local economic development.

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