SERC Reliability Corp.
FERC approved the dissolution of the SPP Regional Entity and the transfer of its members to the Midwest Reliability Organization and SERC Reliability Corp.
SPP CEO Nick Brown told the RTO’s board and Members Committee that NERC is proposing it replace SERC as the compliance monitoring authority for the RTO.
NERC is offering the 128 Southwest Power Pool (SPP) registered entities a chance to comment after assigning them all to a new Regional Entity.
SERC Reliability Corp. named MISO the winner of its President’s Award, citing its management of a record summer load, compliance with CIP standards and resolution of seams issues.
NC WARN asked FERC to force Duke and other utilities in the Southeast to form a RTO to share power reserves, rather than keep building new plants and boosting prices to pay for them.
NERC’s delayed and muted response to the sabotage of a Pacific Gas & Electric Co. substation April 16 has some electric industry officials concerned.
Last month’s audit of PJM’s adherence to Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standards may result in up to four potential violations, PJM officials told...
By Rich Heidorn Jr.
PJM Insider
WASHINGTON – Large electric cooperatives and public power agencies must begin reporting their “surplus” power trades to the ...
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