solution-based distribution factor (DFAX)
FERC approved cost allocation responsibility assignments for 39 baseline upgrades recently added to the PJM Regional Transmission Expansion Plan.
FERC rejected a request by PJM to allow Linden VFT to convert the 330 MW of firm transmission on its lines between PJM and NYISO to non-firm.
The PJM Board of Managers ordered a resumption of the Artificial Island transmission project but directed the development of alternative cost allocations.
FERC accepted PJM’s cost responsibility assignments for 33 of 34 baseline upgrades, ordering the RTO to change the billing for one Dominion project.
The Delaware House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution aimed at blocking a proposed stability fix for Artificial Island.
Stakeholders ask FERC to revisit its ruling approving solution-based DFAX cost allocation for the Artificial Island and Bergen-Linden Corridor projects.
State consumer advocates (members of CAPS) pressed the PJM board to change Capacity Performance rules to allow more participation by seasonal resources.
FERC approved the controversial cost allocation of two PJM projects: a stability fix for Artificial Island and the Bergen-Linden Corridor upgrade.
PJM stakeholders squared off at a technical conference ordered by FERC, which said the use of the DFAX method might be unjust and unreasonable.
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