Southern Co.
The sponsors of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market urged FERC to OK their plan to expand bilateral trading and reject calls for broader market changes.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced that it will conduct a special inspection at the Vogtle 3 nuclear reactor, currently under construction in Georgia.
Sponsors of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market responded to a FERC deficiency notice with changes to increase transparency and allay market power concerns.
Despite progress in reducing GHGs, Southeastern utilities aren't poised to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy said.
Sponsors of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market told FERC it should OK the proposal as is, saying critics’ objections are flawed or irrelevant.
Six utilities in the Southeast, including AEP, Duke and TVA, have banded together with a plan to create “a seamless network” of fast-charging EV stations.
Utilities and co-ops in 11 Southeastern states asked FERC for permission to expand bilateral trading in the region and allow 15-minute energy transactions.
Many of the nation’s largest utilities plan on using fossil fuels through 2030, threatening efforts to mitigate climate change, the Sierra Club reported.
Southeastern utilities and cooperatives, led by Duke and Southern Co., said they will seek FERC approval to launch a 15-minute energy market.
After a three-month delay because of the pandemic, CIP-013-1 took effect, starting the 18-month compliance period for stakeholders.
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