Southwest Power Pool (SPP)
The RTO said it has received signed Phase 2 funding agreements from eight interested participants in its proposed day-ahead service offering — including the Bonneville Power Administration.
SPP’s Board of Directors has approved a one-time process to quickly add generation so load-responsible entities can meet their resource adequacy needs under the grid operator’s planning reserve margin requirements.
Xcel Energy CEO Bob Frenzel said the Trump administration’s energy-related executive orders will have little effect on the company’s operations.
SPP’s Board of Directors approved eight short-term reliability projects, a $3.15 billion package with immediate transmission needs for this year through 2028.
El Paso Electric says it will join SPP’s regional day-ahead Markets+ service offering in a “strategic move … tailored” to meet expected customer load growth and evolving needs.
Markets+ notched another in a string of successes when the Chelan County Public Utility District in Washington said it will pay its $1 million to $2 million share of funding for the market’s Phase 2 implementation stage.
FERC approved SPP’s tariff for Markets+ with minor modifications in what the RTO’s staff described as a “home run” during the Markets+ Participant Executive Committee’s meeting.
The SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee has approved tariff revisions that would implement dispatchable transactions in the real-time energy market.
MISO and SPP have asked FERC for a temporary departure from sections of their joint operating agreement to be able to conduct a more comprehensive interregional planning study to land on mutually beneficial transmission projects.
SPP reached a key milepost in its Western efforts when FERC conditionally approved its tariff for Markets+, a highly anticipated decision likely to ramp up the competition with CAISO’s Extended Day-Ahead Market.
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