Southwest Power Pool (SPP)
SPP stakeholders have endorsed a pair of winter-weather staging dates for transmission projects after two months of discussions and negotiations that delayed their approval by the Board of Directors.
FERC rejected SPP’s proposed tariff revisions to implement a multiday economic commitment process, agreeing with the MMU that it introduces a potential gaming opportunity.
SPP expects to have enough generation to meet demand this winter following an assessment that indicated an increase in operational certainty over the previous two assessments.
The Bonneville Power Administration says following through on its $25 million funding commitment to the development of SPP's Markets+ is simply a matter of preserving choice.
FERC approved tariff revisions and modifications to the joint operating agreement between MISO and SPP that will enshrine a structural and cost-allocation framework for the five projects in their Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue portfolio.
South Dakota’s Kristie Fiegen and North Dakota’s Randy Christmann have been reelected to their respective states' regulatory commissions, ensuring their future involvement on SPP’s Regional State Committee.
Former ERCOT Monitor Carrie Bivens has been named vice president of SPP’s Market Monitoring Unit, replacing her predecessor after he took an executive position with the Texas grid operator.
FERC accepted SPP’s tariff revisions that add a winter season resource adequacy requirement for load-responsible entities, extending its summer RA requirement.
SPP’s Board of Directors has approved the RTO’s 2025 operating and capital budgets and its net revenue requirement following a unanimous endorsement by the Members Committee.
SPP and Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. have given stakeholders until Nov. 15 to review a draft study that has identified potential joint transmission projects mutually beneficial to both grid operators.
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